Hana Rāwhiti Maipi-Clarke.

For my readers in Aotearoa, you may not realise the global impact of what happened in the Beehive on 14 November 2024. I’m here in Vietnam, Vietnam mind you, and all anyone has wanted to talk to me about is Hana Rāwhiti Maipi-Clarke.

Vietnamese, American, Russian, Filipino, Spanish, French: it doesn’t matter. English speaking? Doesn’t matter. As soon as anyone realises where I am from, their eyes light up and they want to talk about Hana Rāwhiti and Ka Mate!

So I’m really proud of that. I’m proud that Hana Rāwhiti is representing Hauraki-Waikato, our whenua. I’m proud that she’s a cuzzie. I’m proud that she is Gen Z – so proud of that, man what a strong generation they are becoming. Even more than that I am so proud of Aotearoa for the Hikoi. 40,000 at least participating in constructive, peaceful, active democracy. With Mana!

 With only one arrest in the entire group, it was statistically one of the safest places you could have been in the entire world that day. To channel so much passion into something so focused and impactful is incredible.

Of course it wasn’t just Hana Rāwhiti, but she catalysed it. The youngest MP we have, imagine the courage it took to stand up and do something like that.

Remember, Aotearoa New Zealand is still one of the least politically corrupt countries in the world. I know it doesn’t always feel that way, but when you are overseas the corruption and bribes are visibly commonplace.

When people march in peace and solidarity for the good of the nation it strengthens our democracy and helps to stave-off corruption. It takes sacrifice too. That’s time off work and away from home to stand up for something important. It isn’t free.

In 1984, before I was even born, my Mum marched from Waiheke to Wellington in the Women’s Walk for Life on Earth protesting for nuclear disarmament and a nuclear free Aotearoa. There was actually a wonderfully cosy documentary made about it, you can watch for free on YT.

Outside looking in, outside feeling in. I feel really proud of my country today.

Mum (left) on the hikoi for Peace on Earth, 1984.

20 November 2024, in awe.

The personal blog of Ben Blain, his thoughts and flaws as a human.

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