Tomorrow this home is no longer my home. The last little pebble will be excavated and that huge boulder of life, that has been patiently and precariously waiting, will begin to role under its own potential once more.

I am proud of myself for being honest, patient, transparent, and unashamed. No ulterior motive and no manipulations, it feels like I have matured over this last year.

We watched Captain Fantastic tonight, and it reminded me to be different and to be bold. When I was fifteen every stanza of a song was worked over, composed, and made rich and expressive. I want to get back there again, but in the mediums of images and words.

I want to create things for people as if I really give a shit.

The first priority is to ship it, but the second is to be proud of it.

27 June 2024

The personal blog of Ben Blain, his thoughts and flaws as a human.

My Startup Work: